Tuesday, August 2, 2016

So, I was looking at one of those calendars of silly "holidays" this weekend, and I found a couple this week that were too much fun to pass up. Did you know that National Underwear Day comes around this week? And what kid do you know who doesn't at least like to snicker about underpants?

Celebrate the silliness with Underpants for Ants, by Russell Punter. In this whimsical story, the ants are feeling a bit of a chill, so a dear friend with extra time and lots of yarn knits them all underpants. The rollicking rhymes and adorable illustrations keep the story flowing, and the phonic repetition is fabulous for developing key language and reading skills. And the cherry on top? The book comes with parents' guide notes at the back!

Get your copy of giggle-producing Underpants for Ants here.

National Sandcastle Day also falls during this week, and there are books galore to celebrate with. Two of my favorites are Secrets of the Seashore and 1, 2, 3…By the Sea.
In Secrets of the Seashore, author Carron Brown teaches us about shrimp, octopi, crabs, anemones and other sea creatures while taking us to another beloved childhood tradition -- reading with a flashlight! The book spreads include informative text that flows like a story, along with black-and-white illustrations with a question about an animal or plant. When your child shines a flashlight behind the picture, hidden critters show up. turn the page and the beautifully colored illustrations provide the answer to the question. Even the wiggliest young reader will want to sit long enough to use the flashlight to find the different creatures, and older children -- okay, even adults -- will also enjoy the book.

Find your copy here.

Dianne Moritz provides sweet counting rhymes and delicate illustrations in 1, 2, 3…By the Sea. The family explores the shoreline, the sand dunes and even the docks in this tale that can be sung to the tune of "Hush, Little Baby." There is also an app for your iPad that lets your readers interact with the story.

Order your copy of the book and the app here.

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